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136: Elm, Roc, and Rust with Richard Feldman

Working on legacy code is never easy, but some programming languages make it more enjoyable.

Today, we talk with Richard Feldman, the creator of the Roc programming language, the author of Elm in Action, and the creator of the Frontend Masters courses Introduction to Elm and Introduction to Rust. Richard tells us about the advantages of the Elm, Rock, and Rust languages and why they are more enjoyable to work with than other languages. 

When you finish listening to the episode, connect with Richard on Twitter, check out his book and courses, and take a look at the Roc programming language

Mentioned in this episode:

Richard on Twitter at

Roc programming language at:

Elm in Action at

Richard’s Frontend Masters courses at:

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Legacy Code Rocks

Legacy Code Rocks explores the world of modernizing existing software applications.


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